Manage nodes using the API

This tutorial will walk through the steps on how to manage your Medstack Control infrastructure programmatically using the API, including how to configure an API client and basic examples of REST API requests. For the full documentation and additional resources, check out the main Infrastructure API reference page.


In Preview

Please note that the Infrastructure API is currently In Preview.


This article has three main sections:

  1. Generate an API token
  2. Configure your API client
  3. Send HTTP requests

We assume that you have the following prerequisites before jumping into this tutorial:

  • An existing cluster in MedStack Control
  • Appropriate permissions to generate API tokens on Medstack Control
  • An API client - preferably Postman - installed in your system

Generate an API Token

  • Click New token
  • Select a company
  • Enter a note
  • Click Generate token
  • Copy the TOKEY KEY and TOKEN VALUE. These will be used in the Authorization header of the HTTP API requests to Medstack Control.



Make sure to copy and save the TOKEN_VALUE before you navigate away from the page, as you won't be able to see it again!

Configure the API client

We will be using Postman as the API client in our examples. You can check out these resources for detailed explanations and additional instructions.

Create an environment and set variables

  • From the Postman left sidebar, select Environments > click +.
  • Enter a name for your new environment. Our examples we will use the name Control Demo.
  • To add a new environment variable, select the bottom row of the table and enter a Variable name. We will configure three variables:
    • base_url
    • token_key
    • token_value
  • Select a variable Type.
    • If you choose default, the variable value is visible in plain text.
    • If you choose secret, the variable value is masked.
  • Enter the Initial value and Current value for the variable. Keep in mind that the initial value is shared with anyone who has access to the environment, and the initial value is made public if you publish the environment along with a collection.
  • Once you're done adding environment variables, hit 💾 Save.

Organize requests into a Collection

Let's keep things organized and reusable by grouping requests with Postman Collections.

  • From the Postman left sidebar, select Collections > click + > select Blank collection.
  • Hit 💾 Save

Send HTTP Requests

Our first task will be to retrieve the current company for which our API token is authorized.

Retrieve current company

  • From the top-left sidebar, select New > HTTP.
  • Set method = GET
  • Set URL = {{base_url}}/companies/current (added as an environment variable previously)
  • Go to the Authorization tab > set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent
  • Hit 💾 Save


Save to inherit authorization

When you set Auth Type to Inherit auth from parent, you must save the API request in a collection first in order to use the parent's authorization helper. Otherwise, you will receive a 401 Unauthorized error response.

  • Add Request name. We will use the name Retrieve current company in this example.
  • In Save to, select the collection Medstack API [Demo] > Hit Save.

At this point, you're ready to make your first API request! 🎉

  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo
  • Hit Send

The response is an object containing information on the current company.

Here's the equivalent request with curl :

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

Now that we have the company ID, it's time to get the list of all clusters that belong to that company.

List all clusters

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as List all clusters within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

Here's the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

Now that we have the ID of the cluster, we can now start working with nodes!

List all node sizes

In order to create a node, we need to know what node sizes are available to the cluster, and choose an option that best suite our needs.

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as List all node sizes within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

In the response we can see that 4 node sizes are available to this cluster:

    "object": "list",
    "data": [
            "id": "node_size_kwM9o3B8",
            "object": "node_size",
            "title": "Small: 1 core, 2 GiB",
            "vcpu": 1,
            "memory": 2.0
            "id": "node_size_eY3J1QgW",
            "object": "node_size",
            "title": "Medium: 2 cores, 4 GiB",
            "vcpu": 2,
            "memory": 4.0
            "id": "node_size_q8ZvrZpm",
            "object": "node_size",
            "title": "Large: 2 cores, 8 GiB",
            "vcpu": 2,
            "memory": 8.0
            "id": "node_size_LB3DqZxe",
            "object": "node_size",
            "title": "X-Large: 4 cores, 16 GiB",
            "vcpu": 4,
            "memory": 16.0

Here's the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

Now let's create a node in the cluster, starting with something small.

Create a node

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Body tab
    • Select raw > select JSON
    • Provide the node size ID in the body. In our example, we are choosing small with ID node_size_kwM9o3B8
  "size_id": "node_size_kwM9o3B8"
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as Create a node within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

Notice that the response status is 202 Accepted. The returned body includes a status field, which has the value creating. We also do not have a public_ip_address or an operating_system yet. This is because the management of cloud infrastructure such as virtual machines is asynchronous in nature and typically involves long-running tasks.

You will need to poll the node during creation, and once complete, it will display an active status.

Here is the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request POST \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
       "size_id": "node_size_kwM9o3B8"

In the next section, let's look at how to retrieve the new node and check its status.

Retrieve a single node

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Copy the node id from the response of Create a node. In our example the value is node_aMD6Vak5.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as Retrieve a single node within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

After waiting a few minutes and checking the node again, we see that it now has an active status, as well as the assigned public_ip_address and operating_system.

Here is the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

The node is now ready to accept other actions, such as resize, which we'll go over next.


But first, a word of caution

To the extent possible, it is advisable to run actions on cluster resources synchronously (in other words, waiting for one action to complete before running another one) so as to avoid race conditions that could cause unexpected behaviours and/or services being marked as unavailable.

Resize a node

This endpoint allows you to vertically scale a node based on a variety of factors, such as traffic, consumption and/or a specified schedule. For instance, you might want to scale up a node or multiple nodes during peak business hours when resource utilization is known to be high, then scale it down at night when traffic is significantly lower, both triggered by a scheduler.

Below are the steps used to resize a node to medium.

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Copy the node id from the response of Create a node. In our example the value is node_aMD6Vak5.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Body tab
    • Select raw > select JSON
    • Provide the node size ID in the body. In our example, we are choosing medium with ID node_size_eY3J1QgW
  "size_id": "node_size_eY3J1QgW"
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as Resize a node within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

We now see that although the response's status field shows resizing, its initial size"Small: 1 core, 2 GiB" hasn't changed yet because the request has only been accepted, not completed.

After waiting a few minutes and polling the Retrieve a single node endpoint once again, the node should go back to an active status provided that the resize completed successfully.

Here is the equivalent request using curl:

curl --request PATCH \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>' \
     --header 'content-type: application/json' \
     --data '{
       "size_id": "node_size_eY3J1QgW"

In addition to resize, you also have the ability to reboot a node programmatically through the API, which we'll go over next.

Reboot a node

Let's build the API request using similar options and workflow as the previous endpoints.

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Copy the node id from the response of Create a node. In our example the value is node_aMD6Vak5.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as Reboot a node within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

Here is the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request GET \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

Destroy a node

Finally, it's time to clean up the node.

  • Copy the company id from the response of Retrieve current company. In our example the value is company_dlo.
  • Copy the cluster id from the response of List all clusters. In our example we are choosing the cluster labeled "patient-logbook staging", with ID cluster_owQNwd37.
  • Copy the node id from the response of Create a node. In our example the value is node_aMD6Vak5.
  • Create a new HTTP request with the following options:
  • In the Authorization tab, set Auth Type = Inherit auth from parent.
  • Save as Destroy a node within the collection Medstack API [Demo].
  • Make sure the environment is set to Control Demo.
  • Send the request.

Here is the equivalent request with curl:

curl --request DELETE \
     --url \
     --header 'accept: application/json' \
     --header 'authorization: Basic <token>'

For the full documentation and additional resources, check out the main Infrastructure API reference page.