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How do I apply rolling updates to a service?

We are in the process of migrating our application from a monolith to a micro-services approach and will need the ability to apply updates to service containers in a rolling fashion. Are there any plans to expose update related flags in the service configuration? Most likely we would require these flags: --update-delay --update-parallelism --update-failure-action --stop-grace-period And it would be nice to also have access to these: --update-max-failure-ratio --update-order For now, can you provide us with the default values for these flags? Any update on this would be appreciated it since it will most likely be a hard requirement for new deployments in the near future and would like to make sure that the values used would be appropriate for us. Thank you!

Deleted Data

How does Medstack ensure that deleted data is in fact deleted by the underlying cloud provider is there a time interval after which this occurs.

Change mongodb default volume mapping

By default, the MongoDB image persists its database under a volume located at `/data/db`. Any idea how I can change this via Medstack control? This is easy enough to configure in a docker-compose file, as represented below. With the following configuration, the MongoDB database gets stored under `/mongodb/data` instead of `/data/db`. I'd like to match this behavior in my MedStack cluster. ``` mongo: container_name: mongo-server image: mongo environment: MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME: **** MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD: **** volumes: - /mongodb/data:/data/db ports: - 27017:27017 ``` References: https://www.mongodb.com/compatibility/docker https://hub.docker.com/_/mongo

Performance Statistics

Is there any way to access Docker nodes, services container performance metrics like CPU & memory utilization, storage consumption, or I/O other than though the dashboard ??

Connect to a Redis container

How can I get my app service to communicate with my redis service? I currently am setting the `REDIS_URL` in my application to `redis://host.docker.internal:6379/0`, but I can't seem to connect.

How do I delete old invitations for users

There is an old invitation for a user that I want to delete. But my only option is to "Resend". I don't want to do that.

Deploying Mirth Connect

Is it possible to run Mirth Connect on MedStack Control?

Hosting static files on MedStack Control's storage service

Should we move all our static files (HTML, JS, CSS, etc) to MedStack Control? We currently host static assets on our S3 bucket.

Creating IP address access rules to webapp

We're familiar with using Cloudflare as a proxy to apply IP address access rules to webapps. How can I do this on MedStack Control?

Get storage account primary and secondary key

Is there a way to get the primary and secondary key when generate the storage account?