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What happens to the data if we use medstack db

I know that medstack encrypt data both at rest and transit, but is medstack going to encrypt the data inside the table as well such that if we login to the db we will be able to look the db data only encrypted (looking for only PHI)


set-up sftp server on docker container and do any copy, or cat actions with files on sftp server

Encrypting health data

We use a containerized DB (MariaDB) and store PHI. I know data is encrypted at rest on MedStack. Is there a need to further encrypt data/columns containing sensitive health information for HIPAA or PHIPA compliance? Storing encrypted data makes it difficult/expensive to use the encrypted data in queries so would like to avoid this in many cases.

Has anyone set up an APM?

We're interested in setting up an APM in our cluster but haven't seen a guide on implementing one. Which service providers work well with MedStack Control and how have people set them up before? What does the interaction/deployment look like?

Advanced monitoring and telemetry

What kind of advanced monitoring and telemetry can be implemented in a cluster? Currently, the baseline metrics are resource utilization for nodes and containers, but it would be great to learn what can be done with additional services in the application layer.

how can we allow medstack storage SAS token to allow read from all IPs in the world

I use the following url to read some file I saved in medstack (I'm replacing sensitve date with curly brackets {vars}: https://{storage-account-name}.blob.core.windows.net/{container-name}/{blob-name}.jpg?sp=r&sv=2018-11-09&sr=c&st=2022-07-13T16%3A09%3A00Z&se={expires}&spr=https&sig={secret} This only works for allowed IPs declared in the "Allowed IP's" tab. How can I open this to everyone with the link?

CORS error when trying to use Azure Storage PUT request from frontend application

I'm trying to do a PUT to azure with axios on React: ``` const url = 'https://{MY-STORAGE-NAME}.blob.core.windows.net/cognito-test-file-container/mateo?sp=racwdl&sv=2018-11-09&sr=c&st=2022-07-04T19%3A52%3A00Z&se=2022-07-08T12%3A00%3A00Z&sip={MY-LOCAL-IP}&spr=https&sig={SECRET}%3D'; const response = await axios.put(url, imagefile?.files?.[0]); ``` But then I get the following CORS error, is there any way I can allow CORS for my local development or any recommended workarounds to PUT a JPG in azure storage? ```Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'https://{MY-STORAGE-NAME}.blob.core.windows.net/cognito-test-file-container/mateo?sp=racwdl&sv=2018-11-09&sr=c&st=2022-07-04T19%3A52%3A00Z&se=2022-07-08T12%3A00%3A00Z&sip={MY-LOCAL-IP}&spr=https&sig={SECRET}%3D' from origin 'https://localhost:8080' has been blocked by CORS policy: Response to preflight request doesn't pass access control check: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource.```

Test Environment Before Going Live

Hi, is there a way to set up a test environment before going to production? I am migrating from Heroku and have recently containerized my application, I want to make sure nothing was broken during the process and do a test run of how MedStack works.

Backup Recovery Concerns

So there are 3 main concerns - How does my MedStack account handle backup/restore? Does my account have disaster recovery? Do you handle restore requests on weekends and how long does it take to restore? Is there a way I can get a file manager on my account?

Specific medstack access

We want to remove access to our developers to database and storage but want to leave them access to the control panel to supervise the process of deployment. We noticed that you provide 4 roles: Owner, Technical, Billing, and Compliance but none of them does not meet our expectations. Is it possible to configure medstack in a way to achieve it?